Meeting between Umbria Region President Donatella Tesei and Representatives of the Province of Son La

On 7 and 8 September, a delegation from the Vietnamese province of Son La, led by Nguyen Huu Dong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, paid a fruitful working visit to Italy. The aim of the visit was to enhance cooperation and promote relations between Son La Province and Italian partners.

During the visit, the delegation participated in a meeting with Donatella Tesei, President of the Umbria Region. Discussions covered areas of mutual interest and potential collaboration, with a focus on agricultural development. The delegation also had the opportunity to explore a park for the production of high-tech agricultural machinery in the Umbria Region, gaining knowledge about innovative agricultural practices.

In addition, the delegation visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Italy, strengthening diplomatic ties and discussing avenues for greater cooperation. This interaction testifies to the commitment of both regions to strengthen their partnership on various fronts.

The meeting was attended by Maily Anna Maria Nguyen, President of the Italy-Vietnam Foundation